£37.00 GBP

Add Time Management for Teachers to Your Order

Learn this time management system, specially designed for teachers, can help you save 10+ hours per week.

Become hyper-focused (and stay focused) on what's important. So that work tasks are completed in a fraction of the time they used to take using the 'Zen Focus' technique.

The 'De-Clutter Machine'. My unique organisational system to dramatically reduce paperwork and administrative tasks

- Three Magic Efficiency Tools to help you  complete ANY task quicker and more effectively than ever before. 

- 4 short words to keep you on-task and eliminate 'task jumping' and distraction (the main problem behind lack of productivity)

- The Morning Routine that can change your life.

- To Do Lists That Get Done. How to set up your tasks each day so that you no longer have a list that never, ever ends and just gets added to each day. 

Realistic time-savings of at least 5-10 hours per week plus... less stress, less overwhelm and a greater sense of achievement and accomplishment

Add Zen Productivity & Time Management for Teachers to your order for just £67  £17

Try it in your classroom today and watch your students respond like magic to the power of silent signals! 

Want to know more about it? Visit here.

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The Needs Focused Tool Kit

Hundreds of activities to improve moods, increase engagement, boost creativity, change energy levels and manage behaviour - all in one ever-growing membership area.

What you'll get:

  • Involvers and motivators - to actively encourage students to take part in work tasks

  •  Connectors - to build class community and encourage students to work together

  •  Mood changers - to instill a sense of enthusiasm in your lessons

  •  Relaxers - to calm students down and get them settled

  •  Focus improvers - to train students to stick with a task

  •  Creativity enhancers - to train students to engage creative thinking

  •  Engaging Starter Activities - to grab your students' attention at the start of  your lesson

  •  Fun review activities - to ensure your students retain what they've been taught 

  • Needs Focused classroom management tools and strategies - a collection of our proven, tailored responses for specific classroom behaviours

Use these fast, fun activities to tap into  the transformative power of positive emotions and energy levels in your classroom!

Try it for 7 days, risk free