Needs-Based Training for TeachersÂ
Providing CPD since 2003
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Hannah Lethbridge
"I just wanted to let you know that your fabulous book 'Take Control of the Noisy Class: Chaos to Calm in 15 Seconds' has ranked in RocketEd's 10 Best Books on Inclusion for School Leaders. It was chosen as one of the most useful resources we have encountered to advise schools on ways to improve behaviour management and inclusion."
Melanie Watson
"Rob, Thank you for offering this webinar. I have been a school psychologist for 21 years. Your talent for distilling evidenced-based strategies and life experience into a simple approach is rare and so appreciated."
Upcoming Zoom TrainingÂ
Yours for Just ÂŁ3:Â
Classroom Management Success in 7 Days or Less
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Needs Focused Teaching
We started Needs Focused Teaching in 2003 to provide teachers with alternatives to the punitive discipline methods used in many schools.
We realise this approach isn’t for everyone. If you rely on bribes, threats, and other quick fix control methods in an attempt to manage behaviour, you may not agree with our suggestions.
However, if you value positive relationships and believe in understanding children first and foremost, then we’ll be off to a good start. We must remember that the most challenging young people are often products of the most challenging backgrounds.Â
On our TESTIMONIALS page, you can see just a few of the tens of thousands of successes we’ve had helping teachers, lecturers, support staff and other professionals working with challenging young people – and we’d like to help you too!
If at any time you wish to contact us please use the HELP DESK and don’t forget to sign up for your free classroom management strategies mini-course and tips service at the top of this page.