Teachers: Use These Fast-Acting Strategies to Get Better Behaviour, More Respect , and Less Stress in Today’s Toughest Classrooms .

Transform disrespectful behaviour
Eliminate low-level disruption
Improve attitudes to learning
Gain immediate attention
Have students follow your instructions
See improvements in 7 days or less... GUARANTEED
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Here’s What You Get in Your
Classroom Management Tool Kit
Special Report #1: Improve Classroom Behaviour in 1 Week
In this booklet you’ll discover some of the core principles from our hugely successful ‘Needs Focused Classroom Management’ course including the simple lesson addition that makes sure all students are focused and on-task in 5 minutes or less! We’ve found that teachers who implement these key strategies generally see a marked and rapid reduction in classroom behaviour problems together with a significant improvement in terms of student engagement and respect - in 7 days or less.

Special Report #2: Needs Focused Interventions
In this report you’ll learn WHY frustrating and time-consuming problems occur in the classroom and exactly WHAT to do about them.
Included is a Super-Effective way to address student behaviour WITHOUT CAUSING CONFRONTATION together with The TEN WORD sentence that guarantees respect from ANY challenging student and gives you TOTAL CONFIDENCE in ANY Classroom.

Special Report #3: Listen To Me!
In this report we address one of the most common problems facing teachers – how to get attention from noisy, ‘uncontrollable’ groups of students including a novel way to silence any group of noisy students in just 10 seconds! There’s no waffle in this short, practical guide – just a handy collection of proven ways to get silence whenever you need it.
🎁 Bonus: Tools and Resources
There’s only so much we can cram into the three special reports so we’ve bundled in 3 additional novel classroom management tools you’ll absolutely love.

PLUS... Rapid Results Video Training: How to Use Consequences to Bring an Immediate End to Unwanted Behaviour
Video Tutorial #1: How to to create highly effective consequences for different situations and behaviours so that students respond to them every time.
Video tutorial #2: How to apply stepped consequences without causing confrontation, in a way which actually promotes and increases students' respect for you.

Get Everything Listed Above and Transform The Behaviour in Your Classroom Right Now
Click the button below right now to get immediate access to your Kit for just £35 £1.There’s nothing more to pay and you’ll have immediate access to ALL the resources.
7-day refund option if you are not delighted
Get Your Kit for ONLY £1I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your excellent guidance. You offer a brilliant service, and I believe that the ‘Rob Plevin Way’, which, incidentally, is inspirational, should be a compulsory part of the PGCE course, not just something to discover by chance on the internet!
Elizabeth Alderson, Teacher
I've been following Rob for years and have used his suggestions very successfully. I've also shared with colleagues. Those who try them are always amazed at how well they work. Those who don't, continue to shout at pupils and are surprised when the pupils shout back!
Marge M, Teacher
What You'll learn

A novel way to silence any group of noisy students in just 10 seconds! (Works every time!)

The 10-word sentence that guarantees respect from ANY challenging student and gives you TOTAL CONFIDENCE

The Super-Effective way to address student behaviour WITHOUT CAUSING CONFONTRATION

One Lesson Plan Addition That Makes Sure ALL Students are Focused and On-Task.

A reliable way to deal with time-wasting INTERRUPTIONS from noisy, disruptive students.

How to instantly gain total silence and 100% STUDENT ATTENTION whenever you need it.

The quickest way to get RESPECT from tough, hard-to-reach students and groups.

Plus much, much more!
“Thank you so much for all of your WONDERFUL suggestions! I can’t begin to tell you how much I look forward to your new ideas. After I recommended your site to my principal, he sent it out to the entire staff – so I am sure it is spreading around our entire (huge) school district by now. You rock!”
Jeannie , Teacher
“Hi, Rob, I just wanted to report to you how pleased I have been . Before we implemented this strategy, we had a tough time getting students to focus on the material. There was significant noise and very few students plotted points in our graphing unit. After we implemented the strategy, we had almost universal student engagement.
John Buterbaugh, Math Teacher
About Needs Focused Teaching
We have been providing classroom management and student engagement training and resources for teachers internationally since 2003. Our books are regularly at or near the top of the education listings and we take pride in the results our unique approach brings for teachers and educators. Our resources are currently used in thousands of schools worldwide. We would LOVE to welcome you as a new customer and we promise you won't be disappointed. If you need to contact us at any time you can do so through our Help Desk here.