Classroom Management Success in 1 Week or Less


The Needs Focused Teaching Method

FREE digital copy of one of our best-selling books for every attendee!

WARNING: Space is limited. Please be on time to secure your place.  And be prepared  for a training session that's significantly better than ones others charge you for… even though it's completely free. :-) 


During This Free Live Training, You Will Learn:

  • The secret I discovered which took me from over-worked, stressed-out and 'scared' to teach some groups to being totally calm & confident in any classroom and with any group. I'll show you how you can do the same - literally in just a few days from now.
  • How to totally eliminate disruption and get your students listening to you so that you are FREE TO TEACH CREATIVELY and so that LEARNING CAN TAKE PLACE. After all, that's what you intended when you started training isn't it? It's what your job should be about. If your time is constantly taken up with the frustrating act of sorting out behaviour and disruption, your students will never get what they need. I'll be explaining a simple system to put an end to this for good.
  • How to get your students actively engaged in your lessons so that you can give support to the students who need it. Again, if your time is taken up putting out fires and preventing disruption from escalating, your needy students are going to become increasingly frustrated. And we all know where that leads... MORE PROBLEMS for you to solve.
  • How to get your students actively engaged in your lessons so that you can give support to the students who need it. Again, if your time is taken up putting out fires and preventing disruption from escalating, your needy students are going to become increasingly frustrated. And we all know where that leads... MORE PROBLEMS for you to solve.
  • The 7 steps to end your classroom management nightmares - without threats and without bribes. I'll explain how to use my unique Needs-Focused formula to transform your ability to manage tough groups and individuals overnight and become the teacher you've always wanted to be - respected by students, parents AND your fellow staff members and senior managers.
  • The magic core principle nobody mentions. Over my 25+ years in the education world - teaching school children, training teachers and parents and, more recently, training large corporations and businesses in stress management and meditation - I have discovered that there is an essential core principle which MUST be implemented by the teacher if they are to really succeed. Without this, teaching will always be hard work, relationships with students will be almost impossible to build and most attempts to manage behaviour will fail. I'll explain exactly what this is together with a simple way to make sure it's in place during this web session. Sadly, most trainers ignore this crucial aspect of the teaching process.
  • Answers to Your Questions Live. This is not a pre-recorded training. Join Rob Plevin live and he'll answer your classroom management questions throughout the presentation.


Best Practices from 25+ Years of Teaching and Training

Join Rob Plevin,  creator of Needs Focused Teaching for this live web class

Since 2008 Rob Plevin has been helping teachers worldwide to improve student behaviour and engagement through his Needs Focused approach to classroom management. Prior to that he worked with children and young people in crisis, spent 12 years teaching in Special Education and was Deputy Head of a behaviour unit in NE England.

Rob is a 3x best-selling education author, is a sought-after seminar speaker and workshop trainer, and his resources are used in thousands of schools worldwide.  Currently, he has the #1 most popular classroom management video on YouTube with more than 3 million views.

"In this webinar, I'll be sharing the best of what's worked for me and more than 10,000 teacher clients over the last 8 years. See you there!" - Rob Plevin