In-School workshops -
any day of the week, at your convenience.
We currently offer the following classroom management INSET as on-site workshops in your school or college:
Topics include:
- Needs-focused classroom management
- Building relationships with challenging students
- Building the home-school partnership
- Motivating reluctant learners
- Dealing with extreme behaviour
- Behaviour solutions for the 16+ setting
- Creating a consistent, whole-school approach to behaviour management
- Setting up a peer support program in school
- The Restorative Approach
Benefits include higher retention of teachers/lower turnover of staff and improved levels of achievement for students together with extremely effective, often rapid, professional development for staff involved.
Coaching areas/topics include:
- Building appropriate relationships with students
- Achieving individual student and class control
- Planning and delivering engaging lessons at appropriate levels
- Using effective pedagogical approaches including cooperative learning strategies
- Meeting individual and group needs in a class
Up to 4 Members of staff can be seen per school day and each will be observed in teaching situation. Verbal feedback is given to each member of staff visited that day with written feedback to follow. Feedback can be shared with SMT if requested. Each member of staff is then given action points and areas/skills to develop. Follow-up sessions can include further observation and/or email/telephone support over a 4-6 week period.
We have limited availability for INSET and in-school workshops so if you are considering training in your school/college please get in touch as soon as possible.
To bring the Needs-Focused Approach to your school or college through group training or to set up 1:1 coaching please contact us or email: [email protected]
Comments from clients:

Celia O'Hagan
School of Education University of Ulster
"The Needs Focused behaviour management workshops in support of teacher training in Northern Ireland have been very well received and the ideas, strategies and routines shared with our teachers have led to improved classroom practice. This has been validated by both inspections at the University and observations of classroom management for teachers. We thank you for all your hard work and thoughtful teaching."

Dr Anne Bore
Programme Director Secondary ITE
Rob has delivered his Needs Focused Behaviour Management course on our Secondary PGCE at the University of Hull for three years now and each year my trainees have not only found him to be inspirational, they have learnt much about managing the learning environment and young people effectively. Rob’s course is based on the both the value of building relationships, but trainees can emulate Rob since he models to the highest degree how to behave as a teacher. The course is fun, well constructed and as the title suggests, very focused on positive strategies. Rob is a personal inspiration, but experienced, effective teachers will recognise the veracity of his approach.

Helen Waddington
St Helen's College
"Thanks for this course I have to say there are some fantastic things in there.You may be interested to know that we had a monitoring and improvement team visit (like a pre ofsted) 2 weeks before Christmas. I got 'outstanding' and absolutely floored the inspector (who was one who previously rated me unsatisfactory!). Thank you so much for just the motivation to keep going and to do well your advice has been inspirational and reminded me of who I am!The resources you are providing are outstanding and just what is needed to help teachers like myself who have felt low due to lack of available training during tight budget times in schools! I am proud to recommend this to my colleagues and friends."

Michael Walker
Dearne High, Sheffield
"I recently attended your 1-day workshop on behaviour management in Sheffield for Teach First participants and would like to thank you for an amazing session (the best I attended at the institute - including the workshops offered at the national institute in Canterbury) and I have suggested to the organisers that you run a session at the national institute next year. I particularly enjoyed the practical hints and tips, which were cleverly delivered to the unsuspecting audience! This really helped me understand and see how the strategies work in practice (I was a cap-wearing sssshhhher by the way!)My only criticism was that the workshop was too short (1-day)! I would have happily spent 2-3 days learning in more depth how to deliver behaviour management strategies effectively."

Diarmuid Frazer
University of Ulster, Belfast
"I must say what an excellent presentation, we were all geared up for a long presentation with powerpoints and a boring presenter who would talk ages and really bore us, but to my disbelief it was brilliant, the practical tasks you set made the time fly. Very interesting and i've passed the word on. Many thanks Rob Nice meeting you."