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Includes 90-page workbook! (normally ÂŁ14.99)

Used in conjunction with the best-selling Take Control of the Noisy Class, this workbook offers teachers the opportunity to further explore, understand and APPLY the Needs Focused Teaching Method, classroom management strategies and philosophy.

Through a series of practical exercises and thought-provoking questions, this hands-on, engaging companion to your ebook is the perfect way to develop your classroom management skills.

Get the Book That's Helped THOUSANDS of Teachers...

Packed with powerful, fast-acting behaviour management strategies for the classroom including a novel routine to get any group quiet in 15 seconds or less, Take Control of the Noisy Class is bringing improvements to classrooms all over the world.

At its core is a highly effective, step-by-step plan for successfully managing challenging groups and students in today's toughest schools, together with hundreds of proven, practical ideas and interventions to help you connect and succeed with defiant or reluctant learners.

Relevant to teachers of all age groups, you ll find useable strategies for establishing classroom routines, gaining respect, making lessons engaging and creating a positive classroom environment as well as in-depth instruction on the number one secret to effective behaviour management... creating positive relationships with tough students.


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  • Instant access to the bestselling book, Take Control of the Noisy Class
  • Includes90+ page dedicated workbook
  • View on any device or print-at-home

Isabella Wallace, teacher, author and education consultant

Rob has written the kind of book that every teacher – regardless of experience – will learn something from. Underpinned with lively stories, anecdotes, illustrations and pertinent theory, this book will make any teacher who has ever struggled with an unruly class or troublesome student feel that they now have the understanding and tools to solve their own classroom problems. Highly recommend.

Dr Rich Allen,

Rob Plevin’s new book combines my two favourite elements of a teaching resource: useable, practical ideas presented in an easy-to-read style. These down-to-earth, sensible strategies will be immediately useful to educators working with students of any age. Buy it, read it, and start stealing ideas today!

Pat Wyman, MA, author of Amazing Grades and founder,

Imagine having quick and easy-to-use strategies to calm your class in just 15 seconds! How I wish I’d had these strategies when I first began to teach. One that I especially love builds on leadership roles with the students who are typically the loudest and trains them in how to immediately quieten the class. As with every strategy in this crucially important book, it’s brilliant, practical, and works right away.