How to Respond Successfully to ANY Classroom Behaviour Problem.


​Imagine having a simple system that enables you to respond to ANY classroom behaviour problem with COOL, CALM CONFIDENCE

My Needs Focused Approach is based on the principle that the majority of classroom management problems can be prevented by adopting certain principles and practices. However, we can’t prevent ALL problems and we still need to know what to do in response to students who are breaking the rules and behaving badly.

This product has nothing to do with prevention – it is about what to do wheh things go WRONG. It explains a simple, step-by-step process for RESPONDING effectively & successfully to behaviour problems when they occur.

❝Every, and that's every contact I've had with Rob has been a boon. Blogs, live training, videos, emails even printed books have done two things - made me think I can be a better teacher and made me believe I already am one. I've been at this game for twenty years. This is not my first rodeo. But Rob's training, his passion, his willingness to care about what we do in the classroom stuns me every time. His non-teaching work has changed my life. Which is weird because I'm an NLP coach, a counsellor and a mindfulness trainer but somehow I remember that I'm my own client when Rob reminds me. Something about what you do and how you do it works.❞  – JO FREEMAN 

This is what you’ll learn during this session:

Deal with EXTREME misbehaviour and crises

​A simple, stepped procedure to deal with EXTREME misbehaviour and crises

Remain TOTALLY CALM in difficult situations

The incredibly effective technique for being able to remain TOTALLY CALM in difficult/confrontational situations so that you can respond effectively without losing your temper, or doing/saying something you later wish you hadn't. You'll be amazed how effective (and potentially life-changing) this simple technique is.

Easy-to-remember set of responses

The Needs-Focused RESPONSE PROCESS for ​dealing with ANY behaviour problem (I haven't taught this anywhere until now). This will provide you with an easy-to-remember set of responses you can refer to no matter what problem you are faced with.

Detentions as a total waste of time

Learn why detentions are usually a total waste of time (and what to do instead). ​

Dramatically improve your relationships with students

How to address misbehaviour so that it dramatically improves your relationships with students and often results in your most troublesome students being ON YOUR SIDE with increased respect for you.

Deal with problems at classroom level

​The HUGE benefit of dealing with problems at classroom level – and how to do it​ successfully for increased respect from fellow staff and students.

Learn the difference between ‘punishments’ and ‘consequences’

The difference between ‘punishments’ and ‘consequences’ – and what you should avoid doing at all at all costs if you want to really succeed with the toughest students

Proven Responses

​Proven responses for your most common classroom behaviour problems

​Why I Believe Online Training is the BEST Way to Learn:

​In terms of time and convenience there can be no better way to learn than a workshop which you can watch and re-watch whenever you want. ​You can access the material at your convenience - listen to the audio in your car or on the move, or watch the video presentation on your favourite device.

Online training provides the means to improve your classroom skills and get your most pressing problems solved in the fastest possible way at a price any teacher can afford (without needing school approval for payment).​


What Will This Training Do For You?

Teachers LOVE our training programs and packages because we focus on rapid transformation. Our resources aren't filled with theory, jargon and waffle. We see no point. What you want is a quick solution for your teaching problems so that you can become a highly skilled classroom practitioner in the shortest possible time.

And that's exactly what you get with this focused professional development workshop – a training session that is tightly targeted at RESPONDING EFFECTIVELY to classroom management problems.

You will be given nothing but USABLE, ACTIONABLE strategies and tools for dealing with behaviour and to respond effectively to the issues you face. In just a matter of minutes you'll learn activities, scripts, tips and methods you can use for the rest of your career to great effect.

You will end this course with the confidence and skills to deal with any problems you face in the classroom swiftly and effectively.

❝I never saw 15-year-olds move so fast to come back to order. No repeating myself, no prodding. The application of your tips has been wonderful! The first time I explained to my students that I would count backwards from ten when I was ready for them to come back from their group work, it worked like magic. It seems like you know the practical answers to classroom needs. Thank you.❞  – ERIN RHONE 

What Do You Get?

*Lifetime Access*

  • 2-hour video training - watch and re-watch at your convenience
  • Powerpoint Slides - print out a handy reminder of the workshop
  • Certificate of attendance - for your CPD file
  • The Amazing 3 Requests Technique explanation PDF
  • The 2-Minute Follow-Up & 10-Minute Detention explanation PDF
  • The Clean Slate Meeting explanation PDF

Access NOW & Start Responding with Total Confidence for £67 £17

❝Rob has delivered his Needs Focused course on our Secondary PGCE at the University of Hull for three years now and each year my trainees have no only found him to be inspirational, but they have learnt much about managing the learning environment and young people effectively. Rob’s course is based on the value of building relationships, but trainees can emulate Rob since he models to the highest degree how to behave as a teacher. The course is fun, well-constructed and as the title suggests, very focused on positive strategies.❞ 
– Dr ANNE BORE, University of Hull  

❝I have been using a number of the strategies in my own teaching and found them to be hugely beneficial. The importance of building a positive relationship cannot be stressed enough . Kindness, patience and gentle words of praise and encouragement that come from the heart really do make a difference. As one student said to me ‘You really care. It makes a difference.’ I am very keen to introduce the Needs-Focused Approach in the college where I work as I feel it is so effective.❞