THIS OFFER IS EXPIRING in less than 2 Days!


Secret Sale Pack

Get lifetime access to the following huge bundle of classroom management and student engagement resources produced by best-selling author and behaviour management specialist Rob Plevin

Read This CAREFULLY So That You Know Exactly What You're Being Offered. This is BIG and it only happens very occasionally.

First of all... THANK YOU for joining me on this page, I am really glad you followed all the links to get here.

You're in good company too. Around 1000 teachers each year access this page  - all eager to score a bargain. ;-)

Here's what's on offer...

I'm basically offering most of my early products (all of which are still as relevant today as they were when they were created) together with a very special bonus which, on its own, is worth the price of the entire pack.

Have a read through the whole page and check to see if the (massive) resource pack is something you can make use of. If it is, don't hang around - click the buy button as soon as you can - because I am serious about the following time and price limitations. 

I'll run this sale for 4 days and once the 4 days are over  I will close the sale down completely. I WILL be running a summer sale a couple of months after this but it won't include everything you're getting here, it won't include the special bonus and the price will be higher. Bottom line - if you want this, get in early.

What You Get In The Secret Sale Package

The ORIGINAL Take Control Of The Noisy Class

Previously Sold at £37

  • How to prepare for the challenging class – the FIVE things you MUST do to prevent problems from occurring in your lesson.
  • Taking control at the door – What to do outside the classroom to ensure your students are in a state to actually LISTEN to instructions when they go in the room.
  • The perfect lesson starts – Three very different styles of starting lessons without disruption.
  • How to maintain lesson flow and keep them on task – Once you’ve got their attention you need to keep it – just one disruption can turn the lesson to chaos with a difficult group. This is how to avoid it happening.
  • How to manage transitions with minimal disruption – transitions are mine fields if you don’t know how to manage them smoothly. Here’s a little tip that will give you total control during ANY transition.
  • How to get the support you need from senior staff – Get this wrong and you will come across weak and your reputation in the school will suffer. This is the right way to enlist support so that your status is actually enhanced.
  • Dealing with problems – Fast-acting, effective strategies for constant talking, lost/forgotten equipment, late arrivals, refusal to work, interruptions, rude comments, low level disruption, using mobile phones and many more.
  • Ending the lesson on a high – (And why this is more important than you probably realise). This one tip is the secret behind having students eager to come to your lessons. Unbelievably this is 100% possible with any group if you take the right steps.
  • The ‘Fresh Start Program’ – A step by step strategy for you to ‘start over’ with that particularly difficult, ‘impossible’ group who won’t do anything you ask.
  •  BONUS Reports: Pack includes EIGHT bonus reports including ‘55 Ways to Get Silence in a Noisy Classroom’

The Behaviour Tool Kit

Previously Sold at £27

Imagine having all the answers you need to deal with the many behaviour problems your students present on a daily basis—just think how much easier your job would be!The Behaviour Tool Kit™ is not like other behaviour management resources – there’s no long introduction, no educational waffle or jargon… it just gets straight into the good stuff -proven, actionable strategies you can turn to whenever you face a classroom behaviour problem of any kind.

You’ll find the answers to your most frustrating and pressing classroom management problems right here in this handy guide including: Low-Level Disruption | Students Who Argue/Answer Back | Interruptions and Constant Chatter | Chatty, Noisy Groups | Latecomers and Poor Punctuality | Abusive Language | Girls’ Behaviour  | Angry Students | Defiant Students | Silly Behaviour – Disruptive behaviour | Unsupportive Parents | Not Completing Homework | Not Completing (Or Even Starting!) Classwork | Fighting | Bad Manners | No Motivation plus many more…– and you can put these PROVEN-TO-WORK strategies to use straight away with fantastic results!

  • 15 ways to deal with students who are BORED or who have NO INTEREST IN THE LESSON
  • 9 ways to deal with students who GIVE UP and WON’T COMPLETE work in class
  • 12 tips and tricks to get students to COMPLETE HOMEWORK
  • A novel (and proven) way to get UNSUPPORTIVE PARENTS ON YOUR SIDE
  • 6 highly effective ways to stop CONSTANT CHATTER – without losing your temper
  • 3 ways to deal with RUDE STUDENTS – and how to stop them ANSWERING BACK
  • A script/approach you can use to deal with SILLY, ATTENTION-SEEKING BEHAVIOUR – It works every time
  • 12 ways to get through to REALLY TOUGH STUDENTS – and be the teacher they RESPECT and LOOK UP TO!

Putting Fun In Lessons

Previously Sold at £17

Putting Fun In Lessons consists of a UNIQUE, exciting collection of games, strategies and activities to liven up lessons, bring humour into the classroom and transform negative student attitudes to learning. The games and activities are adaptable to virtually any lesson topic and will enable you to quickly change the tone of your lessons and be the kind of teacher students LOVE. Remember: when students arrive at your lessons in a positive, expectant mood they are much easier to manage and teach.


  • Crazy Classroom games (adaptable for all ages and subject areas)
  • 16 must-have, fun teaching props you can use to instantly brighten up your teaching
  • Novel ways to use puppets and ventriloquists dolls as a fun learning aid
  • How to use puzzles and mind-benders to build classroom community and calm unsettled students
  • Amazing, attention-grabbing magic tricks (easy-to-learn and adapt to lesson content).
  • Novel ways to use props, cartoons, costumes, music and magic to bring order to any classroom
  • Ways to use humour as a classroom management tool
  • Hilarious fill-in activities to refocus students and teach them vital social skills in a light-hearted way
  • Unique Energisers to stimulate thinking, raise flagging energy levels and spark motivation
  • Little-known ways to use drama and role-play (Note: These activities are often extremely appealing to tough, hard-to-reach students)
  • Humour Compendium – loads of ideas for putting laughter in your lessons and raising the mood of your students.

Co-operative & Active Learning

Previously Sold at £17

Our activity-packed resource, Cooperative & Active Learning In Lessons, provides teachers with everything they need to bring the power of cooperative learning and kinaesthetic activity to every lesson.

The benefits of cooperative and active learning are many; from promoting and teaching appropriate social skills , managing conflict, and improving self esteem through to increased motivation levels, eager participation, deeper understanding and higher student achievement. As an approach to teaching and learning it takes some beating and is widely regarded as one of the greatest educational innovations for the modern classroom.

  • How to get students working together cooperatively & collaboratively (Hint: this is one of the EASIEST ways to reduce behaviour problems and improve participation – even bored, switched off students get a huge kick from working like this).
  • How to put more ACTIVITY in your lessons – you’ve no-doubt heard that a large proportion of ‘troublesome’ students tend to be kinaesthetic learners. If you try and teach these students using didactic, lecture-style methods they will HATE it! One way to make subjects accessible and appealing to these students is to include ’hands-on’ learning tasks – to get them on their feet and ‘doing’ stuff.
  • How to make subject content STICK – It’s obvious, when students are truly engaged in the learning process there is much more chance that the information you give them will actually be remembered.
  • How to help students develop thinking skills such as analysis, problem solving, and evaluation though fun, practical methods which help them see the relevance and benefit in learning
  • A unique collection of highly engaging activities frameworks, templates and tools to give you countless ways to INVOLVE all your students in fun, interactive ways they will LOVE.
  • Novel grouping methods and effective tips for managing group work sessions for maximum success and what to do when students won’t do their share of the work.

Attention-Grabbing Starters & Plenaries

Previously Sold at £17

This resource is a BUMPER collection of our best-ever, fabulously engaging starter and plenary activities.

It contains lots of creative, fun ideas to grab your students’ attention from the second the bell goes together with amusing end-of-lesson review activities to help them easily remember lesson content in the most student-friendly ways. In short ,this pack will give you everything you need to start your lessons with a BANG and end them on a HIGH! This pack will truly give you the “why” and the “how” of using fun activities to create the right mood in the classroom and engage your students in the learning process!


  • Sure-fire attention-grabbing starter activities to get even the most challenging group involved from the start . Remember—if you don’t get their attention in the first 5 minutes, teaching the rest of the lesson will be incredibly difficult!
  • Fun, active plenary activities to consolidate and review taught information in a way your students will LOVE.
  • Novel questioning techniques to get your students actively engaged and WANTING to learn straight away. With the right type of questions even the most reluctant learners can be encouraged to take part in the learning process.
  • Ready-to-go activities. All the activities are presented in a ready-to-go format meaning you can just flip through, pick the ones you like and… Hey Presto! You’ve got a brilliant, highly-engaging way to start or end your lesson.
  • Games and activities can be used as mid-lesson teach-back activities or whole-lesson themes , adaptable to any subject content!
  • Ideas to make students WANT to come to your lessons. By ending the lesson on a high with the active, fun review activities and plenaries contained in this collection your students will leave in a more positive frame of mind and WANT to come back for more.

Relationship Builders

Previously Sold at £17

Relationship Builders will enable any teacher to build positive bonds with the hardest-to-reach students in the fastest possible time.

We believe the ability to form positive relationships with students to be the single most important skill a teacher can posses and the great thing is that this is a learnable skill! When you apply the simple strategies in this guide you will find students immediately starting to respond positively to you. Student participation and motivation will increase and you’ll see an almost immediate improvement in work rate. You will have fewer classroom problems and you’ll find it easier to manage any problems which do occur and you will start to see these changes within as little as one week!

Not only that, in time you will start to become the teacher they seek out at break time for a chat and other teachers in the staffroom will start asking how you are suddenly managing to get so much from the toughest students in school. It happens like MAGIC when you focus time and attention on the single, most important aspect of teaching and classroom management – the student/teacher relationship.


  • The TWO essential features of any positive, trusting relationship. Once you grasp these two crucial factors relationship-building becomes a logical, enjoyable process with even the hardest-to-reach students.
  • 20+ novel activities and ideas to discover your students’ interests, hobbies, likes and passions
  • 20+ cool ways to show your students you CARE about them
  • How to learn a class of students’ names in just 45 minutes
  • 25+ creative ideas to build positive peer relationships within any group and create a supportive classroom community
  • Plus much, much more…

Motivate The Unmotivated

Previously Sold at £27

Have you noticed that the traditional methods for motivating students rarely seem to work?

Stickers, merit marks, reward charts, praise assemblies, certificates etc. are used in almost every school all over the world and yet most of us STILL struggle to get students involved in lessons. And punishments are equally ineffective – you give detention after detention but students STILL don’t work any harder.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying carrots and sticks never work; just that they rarely work – and certainly not for long periods. Students HATE being controlled and rewards and punishments are both just sides of the same coin – they are both attempts to coerce or force them in to doing something or behaving in a certain way.

Real motivation doesn’t work like that; you can’t FORCE people to be motivated. You can’t MAKE them want to work.

If you want to get more of your students engaged and taking part in lessons it’s time to forget trying to control them and instead create a situation where your they are naturally motivated, from within. This e-book is perfect for… Students who REFUSE to work, never get their work finished, disrupt other class members, show NO INTEREST in learning and a host of other classroom motivation problems.

  • How to INVITE and STIMULATE students’ interest and get them to BUY IN to a lesson topic form the start of the lesson. Hint: this is much better than trying to FORCE them to learn and it works every time!
  • Interactive discussion formats – even switched-off students can’t resist getting involved in these!
  • Hundreds of ideas for adapting lesson content for KINESTHETIC learners and making lessons ACTIVE
  • Little-known ‘STUDENT INVOLVERS’ to ensure active participation during Q and A and discussions
  • Member-created resource area – HUNDREDS of ready-made, time-served engaging activities from the ‘chalk face’, guaranteed to work wonders in today’s TOUGHEST classrooms
  • Take-Action Assignments & Real-life Case Study Scenarios
  • Motivation Tracking Sheet
  • Resource CD: Desktop reminders and checklists – handy reminders of the key strategies in editable format
  • Bonus Report: Motivation Made Simple

Student Engagement Formula

Previously Sold at £47

Student Engagement Formula was a ‘Limited Edition’ series of FIVE one-off webinars which I presented and recorded live. The aim? To provide teachers with the tools and strategies to dramatically increase participation and improve learning in the classroom.

The strategies shared in these unique one-off sessions were among the best I’ve ever created for engaging reluctant students in the learning process. Unfortunately, the quality was not as I had hoped when we recorded the sessions so this product was only sold on three occasions. In honesty I believe this was one of my best concepts in the history of Behaviour Needs and I always intended improving and developing it. Who knows what the future will bring…


  • How to INVITE and STIMULATE students’ interest and get them to BUY IN to a lesson topic form the start of the lesson. Hint: this is much better than trying to FORCE them to learn and it works every time!
  • Learn the ONE WORD that’s guaranteed to make students literally BEG to be in YOUR lessons. (This is great, by the way. You’ll be telling other teachers about this.)
  • Discover how to make work more RELEVANT to your students. This is too often neglected yet is a key factor in getting students to BUY IN to lessons.
  • What to do when your students ask, “Why do we have to learn this?” (Can’t you just hear the whiny tone in that question?! What a relief to have an answer that will change their mood and raise their motivation to learn.
  • How to present and teach a subject so that it could never, ever be called boring by your students.
  • Creative ways to ‘hook’ students at the start of lessons
  • ACTIVE LEARNING strategies to introduce material to your students and have them practice and apply that information including
  • Exciting classroom games, energisers, drama and role-play
  • Fantastic ways to use free technology tools in lessons
  • Creative ways to incorporate more MOVEMENT into the classroom – essential for kinaesthetic learners
  • A pack of special MAGIC TRICKS FOR THE CLASSROOM guaranteed to capture the attention of ANY student and adaptable for use in ANY subject
  • Cooperative learning strategies and activities to get students interacting with each other and working collaboratively.
  • Activities for whole-class interaction, for Pair Work and for Group Work as well as tips for managing group work sessions
  • Questioning techniques that will enhance students’ learning and improve engagement, motivation and thinking
  • Fun consolidation exercises including teach-backs, mini-reviews and discussions
  • The ESSENTIAL factors you must include in your lessons if you want to hold your students’ attention and reduce misbehaviour.
  • The No. 1 overlooked reason why some of your students won’t/don’t work in your lessons and the simple step you can take to ensure they WANT to be more involved next lesson.
  • How to make sure your students actually ENJOY your lessons. (It’s not what you think.)

The Student Engagement EXPERTS Series

Previously Sold at £67

Learn The Student Engagement Secrets Of FIVE Top Education Experts…

As part of our ‘Classroom Expert Webinar Service’ we invited a host of renowned education authors and trainers to take part in online presentations and interviews. In the Student Engagement Experts Series FIVE Internationally Renowned Education Authors & Trainers share PROVEN strategies to engage tough students in classroom activities from start to finish.

  • More than 300 sure-fire ways to get students INTERESTED and MOTIVATED
  • Ready-made scripts and strategies to get students to see the purpose behind classwork so that they actually WANT to take part – without being forced, bribed or coerced
  • 50+ activities you can use to get to know your students better. When your students LIKE you and TRUST you they will WORK and BEHAVE better for you. Seriously.
  • 30+ ready-made teaching activities you can use to get students working cooperatively TOGETHER as a supportive TEAM. Creating supportive communities is one of the most powerful ways to reduce problems in your classroom and increase participation.
  • How to use rhythms, chants, and hand/body movement to aid students in their understanding of difficult academic concepts
  • Easy steps you can take to transform a stale curriculum topic and instantly engage reluctant learners
  • Over 100 easy-to-copy practical examples of ‘GRIPPING’ learning activities that EVERY student will LOVE
  • Plus much, much more

The Classroom Management EXPERTS Series

Previously Sold at £67

Learn The Classroom Management Secrets Of FIVE Top Education Experts…

As part of our ‘Classroom Expert Webinar Service’ we invited a host of renowned education authors and trainers to take part in online presentations and interviews. In the Classroom Management Experts Series FIVE Internationally Renowned Education Authors & Trainers share PROVEN strategies to successfully and respectfully tackle the behaviour of the toughest students in today’s toughest classrooms.

You’ll learn:

  • Simple changes you can make in your own behaviour to give you instant confidence in any tough classroom.
  • The keywords & phrases that cause incidents to escalate – and how to avoid using them
  • Two ways to CHANGE STUDENT MOOD in an instant and make every lesson you teach more appealing to your students (do this and behaviour ceases to be a problem)
  • How to use instructional routines and procedures to quickly organise your classroom and prevent 90% of problems from occurring
  • Three simple additions to make verbal instructions more powerful so that they change behaviour straight away
  • A novel way to get students arriving at your door EAGER to come in and take part in the lesson
  • A simple way to INVITE WILLING COMPLIANCE – this really works, even with the toughest students
  • The way to deliver consequences that REALLY changes student behaviour
  • The key verbal and non-verbal techniques you MUST USE if you want to keep a class under control
  • NINE KEY SKILLS used by ALL highly effective practitioners – and how using them will make students respond to you more positively every time

The AMAZING Everyone Wins Bingo

Previously Sold at £37

Everyone Wins Bingo brings hilarity to any lesson or presentation!

We all know there is more to a successful lesson than just ‘having fun’ but now and again we call all benefit from a good dose of laughter and a big release of serotonin. Even a brief injection of good humour can immediately change the mood of a group and enhance any learning session and EWB is perfect for this. Fully customisable for any subject or topic, you can use EWB as a starter activity, energiser or plenary. Every One Wins Bingo is an essential resource for your resource box.

In your next lesson, lecture or presentation how would you like to be able to…

  • Jump-Start the class and set an active and humorous tone for the rest of the lesson?
  • Re-focus a lethargic or challenging group, immediately raise energy levels and have everyone switched on and in theright mood to listen?
  • Make a sensational, hilarious close to the lesson they will likely never forget?

Including Learners With ADHD

Previously Sold at £37

In this extremely practical resource renowned consultant and author, Fintan O’Regan, provides countless strategies for enhancing classroom performance for students with ADHD.

If you are to get the best from your students, and enjoy your teaching career you need to be ready and prepared with proven, reliable strategies to PREVENT problems from happening and RESPOND PROACTIVELY to those students who need additional support.

The resources, tools and ideas in the ADHD Resource Pack will help you create a calm, smooth running classroom environment & give you the confidence to successfully manage, and effectively support, students with hyperactivity and ADHD in YOUR classroom.

The audio recordings and reports are packed full of useful tips, advice, proven suggestions and support for teachers, teaching assistants and parents such as:

  • Tips on developing alternative learning strategies
  • Classroom organisation and playtime supervision
  • Keeping students on–task and productive
  • Engaging students’ attention and active participation
  • Preventing and managing behavioural problems in the classroom and home environment
  • Differentiating instruction and addressing students′ diverse learning styles
  • Building a partnership with parents
  • Tactics to stop bullying
  • Strategies to help students develop their own study skills
  • In-the-moment solutions for managing distractibility
  • In-the-moment solutions for dealing with fidgeting
  • In-the-moment solutions for improving concentration
  • Communication between school and parents
  • Plus much more…

Job Hunters Bible for Teachers

Previously Sold at £27

The step-by-step, teacher-specific program that gives you the exact system (and unconventional job-search techniques) for landing your dream teaching job!

If you’re looking for a teaching job and have realised that the market is becoming more and more crowded & intense, you’ll want to read every word in this concise, yet power-packed resource.

How would you like to learn…

  • The one sentence to add to your Cover Letter that NEVER FAILS to land you an interview. This isn’t common practice but it definitely works!
  • How to match your unique talents to the needs of the school and make them feel you’re perfect for the job!
  • Two little known, unconventional job search techniques that will help you source teaching jobs way ahead of the competition – sometimes before the job is even advertised!
  • Sample Interview Questions (and model answers) so you can enter the interview prepared, cool and confident
  • The two questions to ask the panel at interview that will set you apart from the rest of the candidates
  • How to stand out from the crowd and always be the candidate they remember
  • How to teach a demonstration lesson or session that will really impress the panel! Get this right and they’ll want to hire you on the spot.
  • The one thing to do to ensure a higher starting salary. Surprisingly, most candidates don’t do this and instead accept the salary that is offered.
  • The one thing to take with you in the interview that will swing everything in your favour. Without this you’re an ‘also-ran’. With it you’re a star candidate!
  • The ‘avoid at all costs’ mistakes low-caliber candidates will make at the interview. You won’t.

Plus much, much more.

Career Alternatives for Teachers

Previously Sold at £27

The ONLY teacher-specific guide to using your skills and experience in jobs OUTSIDE education.

If you’re looking for a new career or a job outside teaching this is the resource for you.

You’ll learn…

  • The career health check – how to decide if you really should leave teaching
  • An assessment of your current skills
  • Teaching-related careers and opportunities to which your skills will be highly relevant
  • Non-teaching career alternatives – an assortment of careers and opportunities outside teaching to which your skills and experience will be highly relevant and desirable
  • Self employment and extra income opportunities for teachers
  • Successful job-hunting techniques

Plus much, much more.

Magic Classroom Management

Previously Sold at £27

The e-book that started it ALL! This book was written from my original notes while working in a Pupil Referral Unit for young people with extreme behaviour difficulties. In my opinion it represents the MOST PRACTICAL and user-friendly guide to classroom management available in e-book form.

The following testimonial from a customer says it all really…

“Hi Rob, Please accept my sincere apologies for not getting back to you sooner about your fantastic book!

I’ve read it a couple of times and the main impression that stands out it is its really practical approach – helpful without all the theory which you often cannot relate to.

In my opinion, it’ll effectively run alongside assertive discipline, and the circle time policies already in place – and it offers the ability to dip into it for appropriate strategies or use as part of a behaviour management policy. I’ve been teaching 10 years and this may just be the missing part of the jigsaw in terms of classroom management!

Ultimately I think it’s absolutely fantastic! NQTs and more experienced teachers should not be without it – and I look forward to it being widely available! I’ve already discussed some of the strategies in place with the PGCE student in my class, and I’m sure they’ll prove really useful.

I’d love to continue to hear about the book’s continued success!”

Fiona MacSween (Teacher, UK)

You’ll learn…

  • How to silence any group or class – as soon as you walk in the room – even if it’s a group you’ve never taught before!
  • Get pupils to follow your instructions – within 30 seconds – without confrontation and without resentment.
  • Put an end to inappropriate questions immediately so that you can maintain control instead of being the butt of a cheeky pupil’s jokes and comments=
  • Gain support from senior staff, parents and other colleagues – without this the job is very difficult!
  • Motivate all pupils – especially low achievers – to produce more work for you than they’ve ever done in their school careers
  • Get pupils to sit quietly and actually listen when you’re talking
  • Put an end to low level disruption such as chatting… sniggering… whispering… tapping… throwing things and wandering
  • Stop ALL pupils from swearing – no matter how old they are and no matter how bad their current behavior is
  • Deal with major confrontations and crises calmly and swiftly – knowing full well that you are in total control every step of the way. No more panicking, no more shaking and no more worrying that you could lose it at any moment

Plus much, much more.

AND You Get This BONUS (currently being sold at £67)…

The Needs Focused Teaching Method

The Secret to Winning the Hearts, Minds & Respect of Any Challenging Student and Any Noisy, Difficult Group... Guaranteed! 

You Get…
    • 8 core modules packed with 40 no-fluff video tutorials (DIGITAL FORMAT)
    • secret bonus videos featuring additional strategies (DIGITAL FORMAT)
    • Lifetime access to the Needs Focused Tool Kit 
    • An unconditional 7-day money-back guarantee.
    • Lifetime access to the entire video collection – watch at your leisure


Combined Price £500+ - YOU PAY ONLY £47 FOR EVERYTHING

You'll be able to get INSTANT ACCESS to everything immediately after purchase (even if it's 3 am!)

Buy now for £47