The Simple Classroom Management Script to Get Students Back on Task

classroom management Dec 06, 2023

1. State what you want them to do calmly and clearly.  

The first thing to do is state very clearly what they are doing wrong and what they have to do to put things right.  You need to make their choices as simple as possible and leave no room for misunderstanding.  As usual there’s no need to get annoyed or raise your voice to show you’re in charge – just calmly make the statement in short, clear sentences.  You also need to explain why they should do what you’re asking – i.e. tell them what will happen once they’ve followed your instructions.  By doing this you show that you’re not just getting on their backs for the sake of it.  This of course, gives them fewer reasons to complain or argue against your instructions. 

“John, you’re not doing your work and other people are being distracted by you.  You need to pick your pen up and finish your target so that you don’t have to get it finished in your own time.” 

Finally notice how the requests are phrased in a positive way.   

For example,stop wandering” or “stop talking” are both negative commands. 

If they don’t immediately start doing as you’ve asked or if they answer you with a promise to do it soon, you should move on to stage ii. 

 (A promise that they will do as you ask in a minute or later is their way of controlling the situation – treat it as if they have ignored you). 

2. Explain exactly what will happen to them if they continue to misbehave. 

Tell them very clearly what the sanction will be if they continue to defy you; use a matter-of-fact tone.  Remember not to get angry or raise your voice – you don’t want to reward this behaviour with emotionyou need to convey total and calm control.  For that reason, once you get to this stage, even if you normally have a ‘friendly’ approach, there is no longer a place for humour. 

Also, under no circumstances should you get drawn into an argument as this gives the impression that you haven’t fully made up your mind.  If the student manages to draw you into a discussion of any kind they will think there must be a chance you’ll change your mind.  Once they see an opening, they will try to exploit it with more and more arguing. 

“If you don’t manage to get the work that I’ve set for you finished, you will end up losing 5 minutes of break.” 

“If you don’t stop throwing the bits of eraser you’ll have to spend your break clearing the floor.” 

3. Now you need to give them time to carry out your instruction. Immediately follow on by giving them a time limit and then back off to give them some space. 

“I’ll be back in about 30 seconds – when I come back you need to have done as I’ve asked.” 

With a clear choice spelled out to them like this you’ll be surprised how easy it is for them to do the right thing.  Once they have had it clearly spelled out to them exactly where the boundary is and that continuing their misbehaviour will result in a specific sanction, they soon change. By clearly explaining exactly what they are doing wrong, exactly what they must do to put it right and exactly what will happen if they continue the behaviour, you are also being completely fair. You are still maintaining total control but by giving them a clear, limited choice you make it easy for them to do the right thing. 

By backing off (walking to another part of the room or going to help another student) you’re giving them a chance to back down 

without losing face; you’re giving them an escape route.  When a child has backed themselves into a corner it’s difficult for them to back down in front of their classmates if you’re looming over them.   If you say your piece and then stand over them they will become intimidated in front of their friends and react accordingly – usually with more defiance.  By walking away you take pressure off them so there is more chance of them doing the right thing. 

4. If they do as you’ve asked, acknowledge it! 

It’s a big step they’ve just taken. Don’t lecture them about how they should follow instructions faster next time just give them a sincere smile and some quiet private praise. 

“I’m impressed, John – well done.” 

That’s all that’s needed to let them know they did the right thing and to encourage them to do it in future. With younger students the compliance can be rewarded more formally – perhaps by getting them to place a sticker on a chart for meeting the behaviour target “Follow teacher’s instructions”. 

If they won’t comply then you can simply state the sanction or consequence that they must now face 

5. Issue consequence  

“Ok you’ve chosen to carry on doing. That’s fine.  You’ll be staying in at break for 5 minutes.  Now get on with your work so that you don’t lose any more of your time.” 

Once again, give them a few moments to think and settle. 

What’s of obvious importance is that you follow up on your consequence. It’s important for other children in the group to witness that too. 

6. If the consequence has no effect… 

If the student resumes the behaviour, calmly follow up with the next consequence in your hierarchy. 

You’ll find a full explanation on video of how to set up and apply a hierarchy of consequences in our Classroom Management Kit – details below.  

Three ways to learn more from Needs Focused Teaching

 1. The Classroom Management Kit – Only £1 

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  • A novel way to silence any group in just 10 seconds!β€―(Works every time!)β€― 
  • Ten words that guarantee respect from ANY challenging student  
  • The super-effective way to stop behaviour WITHOUT argumentsβ€― 
  • The simple lesson plan addition that creates 100% focus and engagement 
  • How to instantly gain total silence whenever you need it.β€― 
  • How to set up and apply consequences 
  • Plus much, much more  

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